Ah So!
(too old to reply)
2012-10-02 12:41:17 UTC
Ah so, Bunky...you want to do a trip to Japan. You don't want stick
out like a sore Americano,right?

Fortunately, you have Flanier here to give you pointers and good ones
too. There are certain things you must do to be more Japanese than
the Japanese. I'll not touch on all of the pointers...if you want
them all, please send a stamped self addressed (plain brown envelope
if you please) along with $4.99 (no checks, stamps or credit cards)
and allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. The address is Pointers POB 23127
Ajo, AZ 49263

Free pointer Numero Uno:

Try the flavors — all of them. Let's get this straight — you are
never, and I mean never, too good for a flavor, even if it is red
azuki bean-flavored ice cream, a matcha latte or milk-flavored candy.
Why deprive yourself of things like chicken wing ice cream? How will
you know if you like horse-flavored ice cream if you've never tried
it? Yay or neigh?

And thus endeth the free pointer,
2012-10-04 00:08:51 UTC
Ah so, Bunky...you want to do a trip to Japan. You don't want stick out like a sore Americano,right? Fortunately, you have Flanier here to give you pointers and good ones too. There are certain things you must do to be more Japanese than the Japanese. I'll not touch on all of the pointers...if you want them all, please send a stamped self addressed (plain brown envelope if you please) along with $4.99 (no checks, stamps or credit cards) and allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. The address is Pointers POS from a piece of total shit 23127 Assholeo, AZ 49263 Free pointer Numero Uno: Try the flavors — all of them. Let's get this straight — you are never, and I mean never, too good for a flavor, even if it is red azuki bean-flavored ice cream, a matcha latte or milk-flavored candy. Why deprive yourself of things like chicken wing ice cream? How will you know if you like horse-flavored ice cream if you've never tried it? Yay or neigh? And thus endeth the free pointer,
Hey, bitch, who died and left you feeling "qualified" to give anyone "pointers" about anything?, you're just another arrogant bitch DumbAss.......donchaknow.........We already gots one of them stupid, self-appointed Bitches in the White house........ And she's DUMBER than you are.....
2012-10-04 00:10:45 UTC
On Tuesday, October 2, 2012 5:41:18 AM UTC-7, flanier wrote: > Ah so, Bunky...you want to do a trip to Japan. You don't want stick out like a sore Americano,right? Fortunately, you have Flanier here to give you pointers and good ones too. There are certain things you must do to be more Japanese than the Japanese. I'll not touch on all of the pointers...if you want them all, please send a stamped self addressed (plain brown envelope if you please) along with $4.99 (no checks, stamps or credit cards) and allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. The address is Pointers POS from a piece of total shit 23127 Assholeo, AZ 49263 Free pointer Numero Uno: Try the flavors — all of them. Let's get this straight — you are never, and I mean never, too good for a flavor, even if it is red azuki bean-flavored ice cream, a matcha latte or milk-flavored candy. Why deprive yourself of things like chicken wing ice cream? How will you know if you like horse-flavored ice cream if you've never tried it? Yay or neigh? And thus endeth the free pointer, Hey, bitch, who died and left you feeling "qualified" to give anyone "pointers" about anything?, you're just another arrogant bitch DumbAss.......donchaknow.........We already gots one of them stupid, self-appointed Bitches in the White house........ And she's DUMBER than you are.....
See my Middle Finger, now, that's a "pointer", you dumb Cunt..........