2012-02-13 07:12:57 UTC
"Tell me," he said , coming towards me in a manner that could only be
described as a sidle, "When was the last time you were in a naked
flash mob?"
I refuse to answer, but truth be told, it was only a week last
Thursday. And while we are being honest about it, the event wasn't
exactly a flash mob either, mostly on account of me being the only
I blame myself for arranging it for three in the morning outside the
student nurses' residence hall at the local Catholic Hospital in
downtown Ajo..
Rather regretting it now, as a matter of fact.
The thing about naked flash mob, I reflected, sitting in the police
cell while wearing a paper suit, is that sometimes it just isn't all
that responsible especially when there is such a bru-ha-ha going on
with the Bishops...if you know what I mean..
ANNOUNCEMENT: Next naked flash mob is Tuesday, 5pm, Cleveburg Towers.
Be there! Especially Vickki Dugan*
*...Vikki baby you move me,
In those far-out clothes!
But don't it get chilly flyin' home at night
When that cold cold tail-wind blows?
Vikki baby, you rock me,
Without you I'm bereft!
I'm hynotized by those crazy eyes,
And that callipygian cleft
described as a sidle, "When was the last time you were in a naked
flash mob?"
I refuse to answer, but truth be told, it was only a week last
Thursday. And while we are being honest about it, the event wasn't
exactly a flash mob either, mostly on account of me being the only
I blame myself for arranging it for three in the morning outside the
student nurses' residence hall at the local Catholic Hospital in
downtown Ajo..
Rather regretting it now, as a matter of fact.
The thing about naked flash mob, I reflected, sitting in the police
cell while wearing a paper suit, is that sometimes it just isn't all
that responsible especially when there is such a bru-ha-ha going on
with the Bishops...if you know what I mean..
ANNOUNCEMENT: Next naked flash mob is Tuesday, 5pm, Cleveburg Towers.
Be there! Especially Vickki Dugan*
*...Vikki baby you move me,
In those far-out clothes!
But don't it get chilly flyin' home at night
When that cold cold tail-wind blows?
Vikki baby, you rock me,
Without you I'm bereft!
I'm hynotized by those crazy eyes,
And that callipygian cleft