Ah, Yes. The Suggestion Box
(too old to reply)
2012-08-01 05:52:51 UTC
We haven't looked in the company staff suggestion box for a while.
Let's see what the inmates have come up with.

SUGGESTION: I notice you recently set up a non-demoninational prayer
room for the religious people who work here. As an atheist, can we
have an anti-prayer room? I'd like official permission to go there
five times a day, and read Playboy magazine without fear of
persecution for my non-beliefs for which I am threatened - almost
daily - with the eternal flames of a non-existent Hell. If you DO
insist that I use the non-prayer room to worship something, may I
humbly suggest the weather girl on Channel 5 who wears tight clothes
and shows a nice rear-end.?

RESPONSE: You've had an anti-prayer room for at least ten years now.
It's called the "Social Club Bar" downstairs as you leave the
'workplace, at which I note, you spend several hours each day taking
the unholy waters, and blaspheming about your gods in no uncertain
terms. For eg: "He's a sadistic bastard, and I'm certain there are
bodies under the new speed bumps in the parking lot."

So good that we can make a positive contribution here without having
to resort to direct death threats for a change.
2012-09-09 09:54:28 UTC
We haven't looked in the company staff suggestion box for a while. Let's see what the inmates have come up with. SUGGESTION: I notice you recently set up a non-demoninational prayer room for the religious people who work here. As an atheist, can we have an anti-prayer room? I'd like official permission to go there five times a day, and read Playboy magazine without fear of persecution for my non-beliefs for which I am threatened - almost daily - with the eternal flames of a non-existent Hell. If you DO insist that I use the non-prayer room to worship something, may I humbly suggest the weather girl on Channel 5 who wears tight clothes and shows a nice rear-end.? RESPONSE: You've had an anti-prayer room for at least ten years now. It's called the "Social Club Bar" downstairs as you leave the 'workplace, at which I note, you spend several hours each day taking the unholy waters, and blaspheming about your gods in no uncertain terms. For eg: "He's a sadistic bastard, and I'm certain there are bodies under the new speed bumps in the parking lot." So good that we can make a positive contribution here without having to resort to direct death threats for a change.
I'd suggest that you quit working so hard at kissing your own ass.....you're too obvious......Usenet is laughing at your bullshit.........
2012-09-09 12:02:40 UTC
Post by M***@aol.com
Usenet is laughing at your bullshit.........
Ooh! I hadn't heard about this upgraded Usenet that laughs. Where do I get me one o' these?
2012-09-09 16:26:20 UTC
On Sunday, September 9, 2012 5:54:28 AM UTC-4, (unknown) wrote: > >Usenet is laughing at your bullshit......... Ooh! I hadn't heard about this upgraded Usenet that laughs. Where do I get me one o' these?
Just keep acting like an incredibly narcisstic pompous ass and someone will eventually bring one to your door, DumbAss.........Donchaknow........DipShit.........