Flanier has a "Problem"
(too old to reply)
2012-09-06 18:58:09 UTC
Yup........Flooney is married to Usenet's most prolific phony-identity troll who specializes in flooding newsgroups with absolute nonsense.....and silly bullshit.....under hundreds of different stolen "identities" and the little bastard has even stolen her identity for years... he posted under gregorymorrow @earthlink.net and to date the fact that she hasn't killed the little fucker yet surprises the hell out of me.........people all over Usenet want to strangle the demented little bastard........

"Brenda Faye Lanier View profile
More options Jul 2, 9:03 am

Newsgroups: alt.radio.talk.dr-laura
From: "Brenda Faye Lanier" <***@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2012 11:03:05 -0500
Local: Mon, Jul 2 2012 9:03 am

Subject: Time To Come In Now Greg

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Hello to all. My name is Brenda Faye Lanier and I am married to a little
fellow by the name of Greg Hill. We live in a suburb of Phoenix called
Surprise, Arizona. You all may know Greg better by his Usenet handle of
"bflanier", which is derived from my first and middle initials and my last
name. I've just learned that Greg has been using my email address of
"***@gmail.com" to post messages to this and other newsgroups for
several years now. I am not a happy camper about him using my credentials
for his internet shenanigans, but I don't know if I can stop him as he is
quite addicted to his computer where he spends most of his waking time. I
just wanted to let those in his little Usenet fantasy world know that his
so-called "goodwife" is on to the situation and will be taking action
accordingly to try and get Greg to behave himself. For those he has
insulted or ridiculed using my name, I ask for your understanding; for those
of you who have a spouse who has embarrassed you like Greg as me, you have
my sympathy.

Thank you,

2012-09-08 12:20:18 UTC
Post by M***@aol.com
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2012 11:03:05 -0500
Subject: Time To Come In Now Greg
Oh, the humanity! Pretty sad state of affairs when we can't take a bit of fun harmlessly poked at ourselves.

Okay, so maybe "Greg" has stolen your identity? Even so, he has provided endless hours of entertainment to countless fans around the globe (myselves included) who sit transfixed in front of their screens awaiting the next bit of his "internet shenanigans."

I, for one (or p'raps, even more), wish there were more like him and fewer like Obama or Romney and NONE who post anywhere under the auspices of "(unknown)" -- too cowardly to present themselves as any personna whatsoever.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it...
2012-09-08 20:55:45 UTC
Glad to hear that you aren't bothered by the little deranged fucker...........it kinda shows what a moron and and a Sap you are.........Donchaknow.........
2012-09-09 00:03:19 UTC
Somewhat ironic that Jak....the champenis of N.G. posties would
complain about folks posting under other nyms. This guy uses as his
excuse for so many alias' as the fact that Google limited his
posts...I think they called him a pest....abridging, so he claimed,
his right of free speech.

He became the laughing stock of one N.G. and a very large target of
derision which did not halt his bloviations one iota. Our personal
opinion of this guy is that he indulges in way too much organic
smoking material and may, very well, still be doing such.

It is not too difficult to imagine him, late at night, hunched over a
''tobacco' stained keyboard while the smoke rings swirl over the glow
of his 14 inch monitor.
2012-09-09 01:33:10 UTC
Somewhat ironic that Jak....the champenis of N.G. posties would complain about folks posting under other nyms. This guy uses as his excuse for so many alias' as the fact that Google limited his posts...I think they called him a pest....abridging, so he claimed, his right of free speech. He became the laughing stock of one N.G. and a very large target of derision which did not halt his bloviations one iota. Our personal opinion of this guy is that he indulges in way too much organic smoking material and may, very well, still be doing such. It is not too difficult to imagine him, late at night, hunched over a ''tobacco' stained keyboard while the smoke rings swirl over the glow of his 14 inch monitor.
It'somewhat "ironic" that I've kicked your mizerable ass at every turn and yet you continue to plug up Usenet with your insane blather which is every bit as moronic and as silly as Greg's lame-assed bullshit......You two fucking morons deserve each other..........If either of you sonsabitches ever got your heads our of your own smelly assholes I'd be surprised........it's apparent that you two LOons hatched from the same turd.........
2012-09-09 12:00:31 UTC
Post by M***@aol.com
It'somewhat "ironic" that I've kicked your mizerable ass at every turn and yet you continue to plug up Usenet with your insane blather which is every bit as moronic and as silly as Greg's lame-assed bullshit......You two fucking morons deserve each other..........If either of you sonsabitches ever got your heads our of your own smelly assholes I'd be surprised........it's apparent that you two LOons hatched from the same turd.........
How flattering that Mr. (unknown) should take time out of his oh-so-busy and important life that he reads all of your insane usenet blather, flanier.

Of course, what do I know, being only a moron and a Sap (sic), my own selves.
2012-09-09 16:29:19 UTC
On Saturday, September 8, 2012 9:33:10 PM UTC-4, (unknown) wrote: > It'somewhat "ironic" that I've kicked your mizerable ass at every turn and yet you continue to plug up Usenet with your insane blather which is every bit as moronic and as silly as Greg's lame-assed bullshit......You two fucking morons deserve each other..........If either of you sonsabitches ever got your heads our of your own smelly assholes I'd be surprised........it's apparent that you two LOons hatched from the same turd......... How flattering that Mr. (unknown) should take time out of his oh-so-busy and important life that he reads all of your insane usenet blather, flanier. Of course, what do I know, being only a moron and a Sap (sic), my own selves.
get your finger out of your own ass, Dummy.......you're only "important" to your own selfishness.....DipShit......Donchaknow.........
2012-09-11 09:37:46 UTC
On Saturday, September 8, 2012 9:33:10 PM UTC-4, (unknown) wrote: > It'somewhat "ironic" that I've kicked your mizerable ass at every turn and yet you continue to plug up Usenet with your insane blather which is every bit as moronic and as silly as Greg's lame-assed bullshit......You two fucking morons deserve each other..........If either of you sonsabitches ever got your heads our of your own smelly assholes I'd be surprised........it's apparent that you two LOons hatched from the same turd......... How flattering that Mr. (unknown) should take time out of his oh-so-busy and important life that he reads all of your insane usenet blather, flanier. Of course, what do I know, being only a moron and a Sap (sic), my own selves.
It's hard to believe that Crazies like you are still allowed to run loose.........No wonder that so many fucked-up things keep happening in today's world..........